Statement by commissioner Mariya Gabriel on the termination of cooperation with russian public entities in research and in education
Following the escalation of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, and in line with the sanctions taken to date, the European Union are determined to take the several measures with regards to research and education.
- See full statement: European Commission, 08/04/2022
MEPs demand a common curriculum to educate about the EU
Education about the European Union, its values and democratic processes needs to be significantly boosted at all levels, says European Parliament in a resolution adopted on Wednesday.
- See full press release: European Parliament, 06/04/2022
Principaux résultats du Conseil de l’Union Européenne “Éducation, Jeunesse, Culture et Sport”
Les ministres de l’Éducation ont fait le point sur l’état de préparation des systèmes éducatifs de l’Union européenne pour faire face à des crises telles que la pandémie de COVID-19 ou la guerre en Ukraine.
- Education ministers took stock of the state of preparedness of education systems in the European Union to deal with crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the war in Ukraine.
- See full article: Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des , 06/04/2022
Sous l’impulsion de la Présidence
française, en marge du conseil de l’Union européenne “Éducation, jeunesse, culture et sport” réuni le 5 avril 2022 à Luxembourg, les ministres européens chargés de l’éducation ont affirmé l’importance d’investir dans l’éducation pour la société et l’économie.
- Under the impetus of the French Presidency, on the sidelines of the Council of the European Union “Education, Youth, Culture and Sport” meeting on April 5, 2022 in Luxembourg, the European ministers responsible for education affirmed the importance of investing in education for society and the economy.
- See full article: Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, 05/04/2022
Les ministres de l’Éducation des États-membres de l’Union européenne signent conjointement une déclaration pour poursuivre les efforts en matière d’investissements en éducation dans l’Union européenne.
- The Ministers of Education of the Member States of the European Union jointly sign a declaration to continue efforts in terms of investment in education in the European Union.
- See full article: Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, 05/04/2022
Tribune : Jean-Paul Delahaye (ancien directeur général de l’enseignement scolaire)
« Les conservateurs d’aujourd’hui pensent que le collège unique était une erreur »
Jean-Paul Delahaye s’inquiète des attaques contre le collège unique portées par certains candidats de droite à l’élection présidentielle. Pour l’ancien directeur général de l’enseignement scolaire, ce collège pour tous permet de « donner à tous les futurs citoyens une culture commune ».
- Jean-Paul Delahaye, former director general for school education, expresses his concerns regarding the attacks from right-wind politicians against “le college unique” and argues that this collages for all can give all future citizens a common culture.
- See full article: Le Monde, 05/04/2022, paywall
Tribune : Pascal Vivier (Secrétaire général du SNETAA-FO)
« Il faut redonner du souffle à l’enseignement professionnel pour refaire nation »
Pascal Vivier, secrétaire général du Snetaa-FO, premier syndicat dans les lycées professionnels, estime, dans une tribune au « Monde », que la réindustrialisation de la France passe par une revalorisation de l’enseignement professionnel, « réelle première chance de formation ».
- Pascal Vivier, secretary general of SNETAA-FO, believes that the reindustrialisation of France passes through a revaluation of vocational education.
- See full article: Le Monde, 05/04/2022,paywall
Tribune : Bernard Toulemonde (ancien recteur et inspecteur général)
« Peu à peu, le mélange des origines professionnelles gagne les fonctions rectorales qui se banalisent »
L’ancien recteur et inspecteur général Bernard Toulemonde analyse, dans une tribune au « Monde », les parcours professionnels des nouveaux recteurs et les passerelles nouvelles entre les fonctions de recteur et le corps des préfets.
- Bernard Toulemonde, former rector and inspector general, analysis the professional careers of the new rectors and the new bridges between the functions of rector and the office of the prefects.
- See full article : Le Monde, 05/04/2022, paywall
Concurrencé par l’apprentissage, le lycée professionnel doit sortir de la relégation
L’enseignement professionnel a perdu 100 000 élèves en vingt ans, et ses diplômés connaissent de réelles difficultés pour trouver un emploi, alors que l’apprentissage est devenu une voie royale vers l’insertion.
- Vocational education has lost 100,000 students in twenty years, and its graduates are experiencing real difficulties in finding a job, while apprenticeship has become a major road to integration.
- See full article : Le Monde, 05/04/2022, paywall
DAAD startet Webseite zur Ukraine-Hilfe
Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) hat heute die Webseite der „Nationalen Akademischen Kontaktstelle Ukraine“ gestartet. Die Plattform bietet umfängliche Informations- und Hilfsangebote für ukrainische Studierende und Forschende.
- The DAAD launched the website of the “National Academic Contact Point Ukraine” today. The platform offers extensive information and support for Ukrainian students and researchers.
- Full press release: DAAD, 11/04/2022
“Zukunftstag”: Schüler können sich über Berufe informieren
Schülerinnen und Schüler in Niedersachsen können sich dieses Jahr wieder über Möglichkeiten nach der Schulzeit informieren. Dazu wird am 28. April ein “Zukunftstag” veranstaltet, bei dem verschiedene Berufszweige vorgestellt werden. Nachdem das Kennenlernen eines Betriebs in den vergangen zwei Jahren nicht oder nur eingeschränkt möglich war, sollen junge Menschen den Tag für die Berufsorientierung nun wieder persönlich vor Ort bestreiten, wie das niedersächsische Kultusministerium am Montag in Hannover mitteilte.
- The Ministry of Education in Lower Saxony is organising an in-person job fair for school students in order for them to get to know companies and define their future career interests.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 11/04/2022
Opposition im Landtag kritisiert Situation an Hochschulen
Die Oppositionsparteien der Grünen und Linken im Landtag haben die finanzielle Situation an den Hochschulen Sachsen-Anhalts kritisiert. Der Finanzausschuss zum Bereich Wissenschaft hätte am Freitag den Antrag zur Verbesserung der Hochschulfinanzierung erneut abgelehnt, schrieben Vertreter der beiden Parteien. “Die Regierungskoalition von CDU-SPD-FDP zementiert auch im heutigen Finanzausschuss ihre ablehnende Position gegenüber den Bedarfen der Hochschulen im Land”, sagte Olaf Meister, hochschulpolitischer Sprecher der Grünen-Landtagsfraktion. Die Koalition solle die Grundfinanzierung aller Hochschulen um 22 Millionen Euro erhöhen.
- The opposition parties of the Greens and Left in the state parliament have criticized the financial situation at the universities in Saxony-Anhalt. The Finance Committee for Science again rejected the application to improve university funding on Friday, wrote representatives of both parties.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 08/04/2022
Kabinett beschließt BAföG-Erhöhung
Die Zahl der BAföG-Empfänger geht seit Jahren zurück. Die Ampel-Koalition will das ändern und hat nun den ersten Teil ihrer BAföG-Reform auf den Weg gebracht. Unter anderem gibt es mehr Geld für Schüler, Auszubildende und Studierende.
- The Federal government increases student loan allowance with a new reform.
- Full article: Tagesschau, 06/04/2022
Il Ministro Fabiana Dadone al Consiglio dell’Unione europea
Il Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, Fabiana Dadone, ha partecipato oggi al Consiglio dell’Unione Europea.
- The Minister for Youth Policies, Fabiana Dadone, attended the Council of the European Union today.
- See full article: Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, 05/04/2022
Fabiana Dadone interviene al “Forum sul presente e il futuro della cittadinanza e dell’educazione ai diritti umani in Europa”.
Il Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, Fabiana Dadone, apre i lavori del “Forum sul presente e il futuro della cittadinanza e dell’educazione ai diritti umani in Europa”, che si svolge a Torino, presso ILO.
- The Minister for Youth Policies, Fabiana Dadone, opens the work of the “Forum on the present and the future of citizenship and human rights education in Europe”, which takes place in Turin, at the ILO.
- See full article: Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, 11/04/2022
Commentary by: Marina de Ghantuz Cubbe (Collaborator, La Repubblica)
Bufera sulla British School di Roma, l’incubo dei dipendenti: “Atmosfera tossica, noi bullizzati e mobbizzati”. Rimosso il direttore
Ricercatori retrocessi a custodi notturni e umiliazioni continue. Lo scandalo del prestigioso istituto ai Parioli è finito sul Guardian. Il rettore Stephen Milner finito sotto accusa è tornato all’Università italiana di Manchester. Da gennaio 2021 a capo del consiglio c’è Mark Getty, nipote del petroliere Jean Paul Getty
- Researchers demoted to night keepers and constant humiliations. The scandal of the prestigious institute in Parioli ended up in the Guardian. The accused rector Stephen Milner has returned to the Italian University of Manchester. Since January 2021, the council has been headed by Mark Getty, grandson of oilman Jean Paul Getty
- See full article: La Repubblica, 11/04/2022
Concorso scuola, la mini riforma 3-30-60. Così cambia l’abilitazione per diventare prof. Ma non si semplifica
E’ quasi pronto lo schema di decreto per cambiare le regole per l’accesso alla professione di insegnante di medie e superiori. Niente laurea dedicata, ma alcuni aggiustamenti alle norme attuali
- The draft decree is almost ready to change the rules for access to the teaching profession of middle and high schools. No dedicated degree, but some adjustments to the current rules
- See full article: Corriere Della Sera, 11/04/2022
Università, pubblicati due decreti sui dottorati finanziati dal Recovery: 300 milioni di euro per 7500 borse
Per i dottorati innovativi ci sono 500 borse. Ai dottorati di ricerca che riguardano gli ambiti di interesse del Pnrr sono destinate 1200 borse, mentre a quelli per la Pubblica amministrazione ne andranno 1000. Infine, 200 borse verranno assegnate ai dottorati per il patrimonio culturale e 100 ai dottorati in programmi dedicati al tema delle transizioni digitali e ambientali
- There are 500 scholarships for innovative doctorates. 1200 grants will be allocated to research doctorates in the areas of interest of the NRP, while those for the public administration will receive 1000. Finally, 200 grants will be awarded to doctorates for cultural heritage and 100 to doctorates in programs dedicated to the theme of digital and environmental transitions
- See full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano, 11/04/2022
Concorso insegnanti di sostegno, posti a disposizione mal distribuiti tra Nord e Sud: “Rafforzato squilibrio del sistema scuola”
Solo con il settimo ciclo di Tfa (Tirocinio formativo attivo), i cui test preselettivi sono in programma tra il 24 e il 27 maggio prossimo, saranno formate 25.874 persone: un numero ampiamente sufficiente a coprire il fabbisogno dei posti in organico vacanti che, secondo le organizzazioni sindacali, è di 16.574, ma mal distribuito sul territorio
- Only with the seventh cycle of Tfa (active training internship), whose pre-selection tests are scheduled between 24 and 27 May, 25,874 people will be trained: a number amply sufficient to cover the needs of vacant posts which, according to trade unions, is 16,574, but poorly distributed on the territory
- See full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano, 11/04/2022
United Kingdom
44% of teachers in England plan to quit within five years
‘Unmanageable’ workloads, stress and levels of trust in teachers from public and government are the key factors. A poll shows nearly half of teachers in England plan to quit within the next five years. Ahead of the National Education Union (NEU) annual conference in Bournemouth this week, it published data on Monday revealing that 44% of teachers plan to leave the profession by 2027.
- See full article: The Guardian, 11/04/2022
Education and Training Foundation CEO steps down after eight years at the helm
David Russell is stepping down as CEO of the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) after more than eight successful years leading the organisation. Under David’s leadership, the ETF has grown from a fledgling sector body with a start-up grant, to the position it occupies today as the central pillar of professional standards and workforce development in Further Education in England.
- See full article: FE News, 06/04/2022
Strong signs of recovery across education, but challenges remain say Ofsted
A set of reports by Osted find that much good progress has been made across the education sector to help children and learners recover the knowledge and skills they missed out on during the pandemic. However, amid strong signs of recovery, it’s also clear that many education providers continue to face challenges, some of which could have longer term consequences.
- See full article: FE News, 04/04/2022
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