Press Review 31/05/2022 – 06/06/2022



Parcoursup : La phase d’admission ouvre jeudi 2 juin 2022 à 19h pour les 936 000 candidats

La phase d’admission repose sur un principe de solidarité : les candidats libèrent des places au fur et à mesure qu’ils expriment leurs choix en acceptant ou refusant certaines propositions. Des délais de réponse aux propositions d’admission sont fixés afin de faire évoluer rapidement les listes d’attente et faire immédiatement de nouvelles propositions à d’autres candidats. Ainsi, des propositions d’admission seront envoyées aux candidats sans interruption du 2 juin jusqu’au 14 juillet 2022.

➢ The Parcoursup admission phase will begin this Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 7pm. Candidates will then be able to consult the responses of the training courses to their wishes.
➢ Full press release: Ministry of Education, 31/05/22

69 solutions numériques éducatives et 34 entreprises du numérique retenues par l’état pour les professeurs et les élèves des territoires numériques éducatifs (TNE)

69 solutions numériques éducatives et 34 éditeurs et sociétés EdTech ont été retenues et notifiées courant avril dans le cadre d’un marché public de 25 millions d’euros, porté par Réseau Canopé et financé par le dispositif France 2030. Dès la rentrée prochaine, ces solutions seront mises gratuitement à disposition des enseignants et de leurs élèves dans les 12 départements des Territoires numériques éducatifs (TNE). Elles feront l’objet d’une formation pour accompagner les enseignants dans leur usage pédagogique.

➢ 69 digital educational solutions offered by 34 publishers and EdTech companies were selected and notified in April as part of a public contract of 25 million euros, carried by Réseau Canopé and financed by the France 2030 system.
➢ Full press release: Ministry of Education, 31/05/22


Aux sources d’inspiration de l’« école du futur » vantée par Emmanuel Macron

Le projet défendu par le chef de l’Etat a des similitudes avec le système en vigueur dans l’enseignement privé. Et il est défendu depuis longtemps par Jean-Michel Blanquer, dont les idées survivent après son départ du gouvernement. Laisser des écoles volontaires innover en finançant leurs projets (autour des sciences mais aussi de la culture, de l’environnement ou des langues) n’est pas, à ce stade, le seul point qui fait débat au sein de la communauté éducative, prompte à dénoncer le risque d’une « rupture d’égalité » et d’une « école à plusieurs vitesses ».

➢  The project defended by the Head of State has similarities with the system in force in private education. And it has long been defended by Jean-Michel Blanquer, whose ideas survive after his departure from the government.
➢  Full article: Le Monde, 03/06/22

Pap Ndiaye, nouveau ministre de l’éducation, face au défi du recrutement des enseignants

Des milliers de postes sont à pourvoir pour la rentrée de septembre. Les porte-parole syndicaux s’interrogent sur la feuille de route de la Rue de Grenelle. Positionner un enseignant devant chaque classe : c’est l’exercice habituel auquel s’attellent, rentrée après rentrée, les ministres de l’éducation. Un défi de taille pour faire coïncider dans chaque école, collège et lycée, l’affectation d’un gros million de personnels – dont 800 000 enseignants – à celle de 12,5 millions d’enfants et d’adolescents. Et cela se répète, bon an mal an, à chaque rentrée de septembre.

➢  Thousands of positions are to be filled for the start of the school year in September. Union spokespersons are wondering about the roadmap for Rue de Grenelle.
➢  Full article: Le Monde, 01/06/22

Le français menacé par le franglais dans les écoles de commerce

Le franglais est le quotidien des étudiants en école de commerce qui découvrent avec stupéfaction cette nouvelle «langue». Certains étudiants ne l’acceptent pas. «L’accélérateur emlyon business school propose une gamme de programmes […] destinés à différentes catégories d’entrepreneurs early stage et late stage avec des objectifs précis: élaboration du business model, connexions à des users et clients […]». Voici le charabia qu’on peut lire en ce moment sur le site de l’EM Lyon à propos d’une session de cours d’entreprenariat.

➢  Franglais is the daily life of business school students who are amazed to discover this new “language”. Some students don’t accept it.
➢  Full article: Le Figaro, 03/06/22



Rekordsumme für Erasmus+ im Jubiläumsjahr 2022

Das Interesse deutscher Hochschulen am EU-Programm Erasmus+ ist weiterhin ungebrochen: Für die nächsten zwei Jahre steht die Rekordsumme von 157 Millionen Euro für den internationalen Austausch von rund 50.000 Studierenden und Hochschulbeschäftigten zur Verfügung. Gefördert werden Studien- und Praktikumsaufenthalte in allen Studienabschnitten, einschließlich Promotion. Dies gab die Nationale Agentur für Erasmus+ Hochschulzusammenarbeit im Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) heute bekannt.

➢  The interest of German universities in the EU program Erasmus+ continues unabated: For the next two years, the record sum of 157 million euros is available for the international exchange of around 50,000 students and university employees.
➢  Full press release: German Academic Exchange Service, 03/06/22

Wissenschaftlicher Austausch in Kriegs- und Krisenzeiten

Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD), die weltweit größte Organisation für den Austausch von Studierenden, Forschenden und Lehrenden, hat heute in Berlin seinen Jahresbericht 2021 vorgestellt und auf das laufende Jahr geblickt. Laut DAAD läutete 2021 die Normalisierung der akademischen Mobilität nach Corona ein, zugleich nahm der Einfluss der Geopolitik auf den wissenschaftlichen Austausch stark zu.

➢  The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the world’s largest exchange support organisation for students, researchers and teachers. Today the DAAD presented its annual report for 2021 in Berlin and considered the current year.
➢  Full press release: German Academic Exchange Service, 31/05/22


Integration von Geflüchteten: Länder haben bereits 2300 ukrainische Lehrkräfte engagiert

An deutschen Schulen arbeiten mittlerweile mehr als 2300 ukrainische Lehr- und Hilfskräfte. Diese sollen den rund 120.000 geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen, die Stand Ende März an den Schulen registriert waren, die Integration erleichtern. Das ergab eine Umfrage des Handelsblatts unter den Ländern. Dazu kommen etwa 1600 weitere ukrainische Lehrkräfte, die sich bei den Kultusministerien als Interessenten gemeldet haben und von denen die meisten ebenfalls nach und nach eingestellt werden sollen.

➢ More than 2,300 Ukrainian teachers and assistants now work at German schools. These are intended to make integration easier for the around 120,000 refugee children and young people who were registered at the schools at the end of March.
➢ Full article: Handelsblatt, 31/05/22



Esami di Stato 2022, pubblicati i nominativi dei Presidenti di commissione per il secondo ciclo. Disponibili i dati sui candidati: saranno 565.630 nel primo ciclo, 539.678 per il secondo.

Sono stati pubblicati, oggi, sul sito del Ministero dell’Istruzione, i nominativi dei Presidenti delle commissioni per gli Esami di Stato del secondo ciclo d’istruzione 2022. I nominativi sono stati forniti alle scuole e sono consultabili online nella sezione dedicata agli Esami (
Nel secondo ciclo le commissioni sono presiedute da un Presidente esterno all’istituzione scolastica e composte da commissari interni. Quest’anno le commissioni saranno 13.703, per un totale di 27.319 classi coinvolte.

➢  The names of the Presidents of the commissions for State Exams of the second cycle of education 2022 were published today on the website of the Ministry of Education.
➢  Full press release: Ministry of Education 31/05/2022

Studenti ucraini, il Ministro Patrizio Bianchi firma l’Ordinanza per la valutazione

L’Ordinanza è valida per tutti gli alunni e studenti ucraini iscritti nelle scuole italiane del primo e del secondo ciclo a partire dal 24 febbraio scorso, a seguito del conflitto in Ucraina. Per gli scrutini delle classi intermedie del primo e del secondo ciclo, la valutazione è effettuata collegialmente dal consiglio di classe (dai docenti contitolari della classe per la scuola primaria), in riferimento all’eventuale Piano didattico personalizzato (PDP), predisposto tenendo conto dell’impatto psicologico e del livello delle competenze linguistico-comunicative in lingua italiana, nonché della complessità del processo di apprendimento maturato nel contesto della guerra e della conseguente emergenza umanitaria.

➢  The Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi signed the Ordinance for the evaluation of learning in the final ballots and for the State Exams of Ukrainian students for the school year 2021/2022.
➢  Full press release: Ministry of Education 06/06/2022


Sciopero della scuola, i sindacati: “Poca partecipazione? I tempi erano stretti. Ora evitiamo tagli all’organico”

Si aspettavano una riposta più massiccia ma il giorno dopo lo sciopero (al quale hanno partecipato il 17,30% dei lavoratori dell’istruzione), le organizzazioni sindacali del mondo della scuola si dichiarano soddisfatte. La manifestazione convocata dai confederali ma anche dall’Anief contro il Decreto legislativo 36 sul reclutamento e sulla formazione obbligatoria ha visto l’adesione di 164.725 persone tra docenti, Ata e presidi. Ora si aspettano una risposta dal Governo, le modifiche in parlamento e se non bastasse sono tutti convinti di smontare i decreti attuativi pezzo per pezzo.

➢ They expected a more massive response but the day after the strike (which was attended by 17.30% of education workers), the trade unions in the world of education are satisfied.
➢ Full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano, 01/06/2022

A scuola per forza con l’iPad, la dirigente della scuola spiega: “Non banalizzare, va incontro a didattica utile per gli alunni”

All’istituto “Mazzini Modugno” di Bari si fa scuola solo con l’iPad. Chi non ce l’ha meglio che cambi sede. Non è uno scherzo ma è la scelta della dirigente, Maria Dentamaro, del consiglio d’istituto e del collegio docenti. Una decisione presa con un solo obiettivo: innovare sul serio. A stranire molti genitori pronti a mandare i loro figli in questa scuola, tuttavia, è stata una circolare consegnata loro nei giorni scorsi in cui si dice che “Chi non è munito di iPad di ultima generazione (o non intende farlo) è invitato a “proseguire il suo percorso di studi presso altra istituzione scolastica”.

➢ At the “Mazzini Modugno” institute in Bari you can learn only with the iPad. “We have a fleet of machines that is able to meet those in need. We have a ranking, based on Isee, to give iPads on loan for use to families who have economic difficulties or to large ones.”
➢ Full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano, 02/06/202

United Kingdom


Scotland leads UK on university students from deprived areas

A record 16.7% of students from Scotland’s most deprived 20% of communities were entrants on full-time first-year degree courses in 2020/21, an increase of 545 students compared with the previous year. This represents an increase of around 1,550 entrants (39%), during Sir Peter’s time as Commissioner.

➢ Full Press Release: Scottish Government, 31/05/2022


Ukrainian children face school place delays

A family sponsoring a Ukrainian teenager said they had endured a frustrating five-week wait to find out if she could attend school. Mr Rogers said he was bounced between the council and schools he applied to, which led to a lot of confusion. “We filled in the portal as requested, where you select schools, you would like. We were told we’d have an answer back by a fortnight and two weeks waiting we’d not had an answer from anybody. “I tried to contact the local council… and we’re still waiting for replies. “We then contacted the schools and they turned round and said it was up to the council, but when we got in touch, they said it was up to head teachers. I started ringing local schools again.”

➢ Full press release: BBC News, 06/06/2022

Universities warn of EU-UK research scheme ‘close to precipice’
Universities have called for an urgent resolution to a row about UK access to a major EU research programme.

Universities UK, which represents 140 institutions, fears ministers could be about to abandon the Horizon scheme. In a letter to the European Commission, seen by the BBC, it describes the situation as “close to the precipice.” The EU has indicated UK participation is tied to the row about post-Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland. Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation, with a current budget of €95.5bn (£81.2bn).

➢ Full press release: BBC News, 01/06/2022
➢ Full article: Telegraph, 30/05/2022 



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