Our Events

Since our foundation, at European Diplomats we have worked on organising events on current issues. Discover our upcoming events and join the European Diplomats community in enriching and unforgettable experiences.

From the dominant role of English in the EU policy making to the relationship between languages and EU identity(ies), the consequences of multilingualism will be discussed during this conference. European Diplomats co-founder Alistair Starling will share analyses and experiences on language challenges and opportunities in the EU, rethinking multilingualism impacts on EU social, economic, and cultural issues.

Global trade and investment patterns, as well as ways of doing business and creating value , whether for shareholders or for social good, will never be the same again. The pace of change will get ever faster. Regulatory changes, framework changes, policy changes can uproot entire industries in the blink of an eye.

In recent years, the global trade landscape has been shaped by a range of trends and developments that are likely to continue to have a significant impact in the coming years. For businesses operating in the European Union, understanding and adapting to these trends will be essential in order to remain competitive and successful.

How to sell your idea without giving in? Our Sales Coaching Powerhouse equips you to get to a yes! Strategic Selling with Miller Heiman or SPIN Selling, our Co-Founder Alistair shares his experiences and best practices with you to put you into a good position for your upcoming negotiations.