Press Review 10/05/2022 – 23/05/2022



MEPs push for steps to create an EU-wide lifelong learning system 

MEPs ask the Commission and member states to specify plans for implementing micro-credentials, individual learning accounts and environmental sustainability curricula. In a resolution adopted on Thursday by 519 votes in favour, 59 against and 21 abstentions MEPs want to make sure that the proposed Council recommendations on micro-credentials, individual learning accounts and environmental sustainability studies are followed up by actual measures and legislative efforts to introduce new solutions. 


Insights from the Fourth European Education Summit – The next decade of education and training 

The 2021 European Education Summit Report is now out and reflects the rich discussions at the event in a comprehensive and easy-to-read way. 


European Commission steps up support to displaced researchers from Ukraine 

The Commission has officially announced the launch of the MSCA4Ukraine scheme, part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. It will support displaced researchers from Ukraine for them to continue their work in academic or non-academic organisations in Europe. The scheme will also allow them to re-establish themselves in Ukraine to rebuild the country’s research and innovation capacity. 

Ms Mariya Gabriel delivers a keynote speech on the “Future of Europe through the prism of education, research, innovation and culture” at the Technical University of Munich 

Mariya Gabriel’s speech touches upon issues and initiatives such as the new European Strategy for Universities; support for Ukrainian students, professors and teachers; New European Bauhaus; new Innovation Agenda among others.  


European University Association hosts first Digital Transformation Steering Committee meeting 

In early May, members of the Digital Transformation Steering Committee came together for a first meeting in Brussels. The committee was established to strengthen EUA’s activities in the area of digitalisation of higher education institutions. 


EU Future Conference calls for more EU competences in education policy 

At the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), 49 proposals were put before EU leaders, including a suggestion that Brussels should be given a greater say in education policy, at least in citizenship education. 



Passation de pouvoir entre Jean-Michel Blanquer et Pap Ndiaye 

Pap Ndiaye a été nommé ministre de l’Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse, par le président de la République sur proposition de la Première ministre. 


Résultats des évaluations, point d’étape CP mars 2022 

Une nouvelle fois, les professeurs des écoles en charge des classes de CP se sont fortement mobilisés pour organiser les évaluations nationales de leurs élèves, comme l’atteste le taux de participation des évaluations « Point d’étape CP », qui atteint 98%. 

  • School teachers in charge of CP classes have been strongly mobilized to organize the national assessments of their students, as evidenced by the participation rate of the “CP stage point” assessments, which reached 98%. 
  • Full Press Release: Ministry of National Education and Youth, 18/05/2022 


Réunion des Directeurs Généraux de l’Enseignement supérieur 

Les 24 et 25 mai prochains, dans le cadre exceptionnel de la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (CIUP), se tiendra la réunion semestrielle rassemblant les directeurs généraux de l’enseignement supérieur des 27 États membres de l’UE et des pays de l’AELE, avec la Commission européenne (DGEAC) et des représentants d’organisations européennes du secteur de l’enseignement supérieur. 

  • On 24 and 25 May, in the exceptional setting of the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (CIUP), the biannual meeting will be held bringing together the directors general of higher education from the 27 EU Member States and the countries of the EFTA, with the European Commission (DGEAC) and representatives of European organizations in the higher education sector. 
  • Full press release: Ministry of Higher Education and Research, 18/05/2022 


Pourquoi Emmanuel Macron a décidé de nommer Pap Ndiaye au ministère de l’Éducation nationale 

Malgré la polémique, le président de la République veut croire qu’il y aura une continuité entre la politique menée par Jean-Michel Blanquer et celle de son successeur Rue de Grenelle. 

  • Despite the controversy, the President of the Republic wants to believe that there will be continuity between the policy led by Jean-Michel Blanquer and that of his successor. 
  • Full article: Le Figaro, 23/05/2022 


Perte de sens, manque de reconnaissance, colère: les personnels de l’éducation en plein malaise 

Selon le baromètre annuel de l’Unsa éducation, nombre d’entre eux aimeraient changer de métier et peu recommanderaient à des jeunes de suivre leurs pas. Le syndicat appelle le nouveau ministre Pap Ndiaye à «réparer la relation» avec les professionnels de terrain. 

  • According to the annual barometer of Unsa education, many teachers would like to change jobs and few would recommend young people to follow in their footsteps. The union calls on the new minister Pap Ndiaye to “repair the relationship” with professionals in the field. 
  • Full article: Libératon, 23/05/2022 


Education: le dilemme de Pap Ndiaye 

Si le nouveau ministre applique la politique d’autonomie des établissements voulue par Emmanuel Macron, il mettra en péril le principe même d’une école publique pour tous. 

  • If the new Minister applies the policy of institutional autonomy desired by Emmanuel Macron, he will jeopardize the very principle of a public school for all. – a commentary by Dov Aflon. 
  • Full article: Libération, 22/05/2022 


Pap Ndiaye, un choix symbolique à la tête de l’éducation nationale 

Cet historien de 56 ans, spécialiste de l’histoire sociale américaine, présente un profil qui tranche avec celui de son prédécesseur, Jean-Michel Blanquer. D’autres noms avaient circulé, ces derniers jours – ceux de Gabriel Attal, de Bruno Le Maire ou encore de Julien Denormandie – pour succéder à Jean-Michel Blanquer et s’installer rue de Grenelle. 

  • The historian Pap Ndiaye, 56, became Minister of National Education and Youth. Other names had circulated in recent days – those of Gabriel Attal, Bruno Le Maire or even Julien Denormandie – to succeed Jean-Michel Blanquer and settle in rue de Grenelle. 
  • Full article: Le Monde, 21/05/2022 


Sylvie Retailleau, présidente de l’université Paris-Saclay, à la tête du ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche 

Cette physicienne a porté l’établissement qu’elle dirige au 13e range du classement de Shanghaï. La nouvelle ministre incarne la réussite d’un certain modèle d’université de recherche intensive qui ne convainc pas toute la communauté enseignante. 

  • Sylvie Retailleau, President of the University of Paris-Saclay, at the head of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research 
  • Full article: Le Monde, 20/05/2022 


Les grands chantiers de Pap Ndiaye, le nouveau ministre de l’Éducation 

À la surprise générale, l’actuel directeur du palais de la Porte Dorée prend la suite de Jean-Michel Blanquer. 

  • To everyone’s surprise, the current director of the Palais de la Porte Dorée takes over from Jean-Michel Blanquer. He announces his top priorities in education policy for his upcoming term.  
  • Full article: Le Figaro, 20/05/2022 


A l’Education nationale, cinq ans de Blanquer, de com et de mécontentement 

Le recordman à la tête du ministère, qui cède la place à l’historien Pap Ndiaye, n’aura eu de cesse de chercher à séduire l’opinion, au mépris souvent des réalités difficiles de terrain. 

  • The former head of the ministry, who gives way to the historian Pap Ndiaye, has never ceased to seek to seduce public opinion, often in defiance of the difficult realities on the ground. 
  • Full article: Libération, 20/05/2022 


Barbara Lefebvre: «Avec Pap Ndiaye, la pensée décoloniale fait-elle son entrée à l’Éducation nationale ?» 

Le nouveau ministre de l’Éducation nationale s’inscrit dans le courant postcolonial anglo-saxon tout en se gardant de ses excès racialistes, argumente l’enseignante et essayiste. 

  • The new Minister of National Education is part of the Anglo-Saxon postcolonial current while guarding against his racialist excesses. With him as the head of the Ministry, decolonial thought might be entering the French national education.  
  • Full article: Le Figaro, 20/05/2022 


Avec 17 000 fermetures d’écoles en France en quarante ans, pourquoi plus d’un quart des établissements ont été touchés ? 

Evolutions démographiques, politiques territoriales et choix politiques se mêlent pour expliquer cette baisse du nombre d’établissements. A Sauvebœuf (Dordogne), à Bolbec (Seine-Maritime), à Blaincourt-sur-Aube (Aube), à Abbeville (Somme), des mobilisations sont en cours contre la fermeture d’une école. Les mesures de carte scolaire, annoncées en février et éventuellement renégociées jusqu’à la rentrée, font l’objet de tensions entre les différents échelons de l’éducation nationale, les élus locaux, les syndicats enseignants et les parents d’élèves. 

  • Demographic changes, territorial policies and political choices combine to explain 17,000 school closures in France in the past 40 years.  
  • Full article: Le Monde, 17/05/2022 


Remaniement: les universités vont-elles garder leur ministère? 

Avant chaque nouveau gouvernement, les universitaires craignent de perdre leur ministère. La période ne fait donc pas exception, d’autant plus qu’a été annoncé un exécutif «resserré». Tour d’horizon des différents scénarios. 

  • Before each new government, academics fear losing their ministry. The period is therefore no exception, especially since a “tightened” executive has been announced. Overview of the different scenarios. 
  • Full article: Libération, 17/05/2022 


Concours enseignants : la chute du nombre de candidats inquiète la profession 

Les syndicats alertent sur la baisse du nombre d’admissibles aux concours de professeur des écoles et du capes, où, dans certaines disciplines, notamment en mathématiques et en allemand, ils sont déjà moins que le nombre de postes à pourvoir. L’éducation nationale défend un effet passager de la réforme des concours. 

  • The unions warn of the drop in the number of eligible for the school and cape teacher competitions, where, in certain disciplines, in particular in mathematics and German, they are already less than the number of positions to be filled. 
  • Full article: Le Monde, 12/05/2022 


Examens de spécialités du bac: les élèves de terminale à l’épreuve de la réforme 

De mercredi à vendredi, les lycéens composeront pour la première fois pour les épreuves de spécialités. Désorganisation de la fin d’année, démotivation, atteinte au caractère national du diplôme… Ces examens agissent comme un révélateur des accrocs de la réforme Blanquer. 

  • High school students will compose for the first time for the specialty tests. Disorganization of the end of the year, demotivation, attack on the national character of the diploma… These exams act as an indicator of the hitches of the Blanquer reform. 
  • Full article: Libération, 11/05/2022 



Sattelberger bittet um seine Entlassung als Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im BMBF 

Der Parlamentarische Staatssekretär Thomas Sattelberger hat heute die Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung Bettina Stark-Watzinger um seine Entlassung gebeten. 


Kultusministerkonferenz: Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine sind in der Schule willkommen 

Die Kultusministerinnen und Kultusminister der Länder haben Leitlinien für die Beschulung von Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine verabschiedet, die zunächst bis zu den Sommerferien gelten. Die Länder stellen mit ihrem Beschluss sicher, dass sie im Rahmen ihrer bestehenden und erprobten Konzepte zur Integration den aktuell über 100.000 zugewanderten Kindern und Jugendlichen aus der Ukraine zu ihrem Recht auf Bildung verhelfen. 

  • The state ministers of education have passed guidelines for the schooling of refugees from Ukraine, which will initially apply until the summer holidays. 
  • Full Press Release: KMK, 18/05/2022 


Stark-Watzinger: Alle Beteiligten sollten weitere Anstrengungen bei der Ausbildung unternehmen 

Das Bundeskabinett hat  den Berufsbildungsbericht 2022 beschlossen. Er zeigt die Ausbildungsmarktbilanz für das Jahr 2021. 


Zwischenbericht zum Aktionsprogramm „Aufholen nach Corona für Kinder und Jugendliche“ vorgelegt 

Im vergangenen Jahr haben Bund und Länder gemeinsam das Aktionsprogramm „Aufholen nach Corona für Kinder und Jugendliche“ für die Jahre 2021 und 2022 gestartet. In ihrem Zwischenbericht haben die Länder nun dokumentiert, welche Maßnahmen sie dazu auf den Weg gebracht und für die weitere Laufzeit geplant haben. 


CDU und Grüne in NRW gehen in Sondierungen 

CDU und Grüne in Nordrhein-Westfalen wollen in offizielle Sondierungsgespräche über eine mögliche Regierungs-Koalition eintreten. Dafür haben sich die Spitzen-Gremien der beider Parteien am Sonntagabend ausgesprochen. 

  • The CDU and the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia want to enter into official exploratory talks about a possible governing coalition. 
  • Full article: Tagesschau, 22/05/2022 


Alles kann, nichts muss 

Zwei bildungspolitische Papiere zeigen die schwerfällige Zusammenarbeit von Bund und Ländern beim Corona-Aufholprogramm. Der Bund erteilt weiteren Hilfen eine Absage. 

  • Two educational policy papers show the cumbersome cooperation between the federal and state governments in the Corona catch-up program. 
  • Full article: Zeit, 19/05/2022 


Mehr als zehn Millionen Euro für Bildung und Betreuung 

Freistaat Bayern unterstützt unter anderem den Bau der Schulen im Steinpark und die Generalsanierung der Karl-Meichelbeck-Realschule mit großen Summen. 


Millionenschweres Programm “Arbeit 2021 – 2027” genehmigt 

Das schleswig-holsteinische Landesprogramm “Arbeit 2021 – 2027” ist nach Angaben des Wirtschaftsministeriums von der EU-Kommission genehmigt worden. Es umfasst ein Volumen von rund 224 Millionen Euro, wie Wirtschaftsminister Bernd Buchholz (FDP) am Donnerstag mitteilte. 88,8 Millionen Euro kommen aus dem Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus, weitere 88,4 Millionen Euro stellt das Land bereit. Rund 46,5 Millionen Euro steuern den Angaben zufolge Unternehmen bei. 

  • The Schleswig-Holstein state program “Work 2021 – 2027” has been approved by the EU Commission, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. It has a volume of around 224 million euros. 
  • Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 19/05/2022 


Junge Union: Bildungspolitik als Hürde für Schwarz-Grün 

Die Bildungspolitik könnte aus Sicht der Jungen Union (JU) in Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Hürde für schwarz-grüne Koalitionsgespräche werden. Die grüne Jugend setze sich unter anderem für eine Abschaffung des Notensystems an Schulen ein, die JU sei strikt dagegen. Auch beim Thema Hauptschulen liege man weit auseinander. 

  • The Youth Union in NRW prooses changes to the education policy of the new state government. It thinks that education might pose an obstacle to the black-green coalition talks.  
  • Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 17/05/2022 


Berufliche Orientierungs-Angebote sollen ausgebaut werden 

Schülerinnen und Schüler sollen mehr Unterstützung beim Übergang ins Berufsleben bekommen. Darauf haben sich das Land Niedersachsen, der Bund und die Arbeitsagentur verständigt. Unter anderem gehe es um mehr Orientierungsangebote an Berufsschulen, die Unterstützung junger Menschen mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf und Maßnahmen, die dazu führen sollen, geschlechterspezifisches Berufswahlverhalten abzubauen. 

  • Pupils should get more support in the transition to working life, more specifically orientation offers at vocational schools, support for young people with special educational needs and measures that are intended to reduce gender-specific career choices.  
  • Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16/05/2022 


Um Jugend muss geworben werden 

Immer weniger junge Leute interessieren sich für eine Berufsausbildung. Das hinzunehmen können wir uns nicht leisten. Vor allem Schulen müssen etwas tun und die Förderung beruflicher Orientierung ernster nehmen als zuvor. 

  • Fewer and fewer young people are interested in vocational training. Therefore, schools should promote professional orientation more than before.  
  • Full article: Frankfurter Allgemeine, 16/05/2022 


Landesschülerrat fordert Investitionen in Bildung 

In der Debatte um den kommenden Doppelhaushalt fordert der Landesschülerrat höhere Investitionen in Bildung. Der Personalmangel an den Schulen müsse behoben werden, forderte der Landesschülerrat. Es brauche aber auch einen Ausbau der Schulsozialarbeit und Schulassistenz, auch die Zahl der Schulpsychologinnen und -psychologen müsse erhöht werden. 

  • State student council calls for investment in education. The state student council demanded that the shortage of staff in the schools be remedied. However, school social work and school assistance also need to be expanded, and the number of school psychologists must also be increased. 
  • Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16/05/2022 


Einfach nur irgendwas zu machen, genügt nicht 

Ein Corona-Aufholprogramm sollte abgehängten Schülern helfen. Geld vom Bund war da. Eine wissenschaftliche Empfehlung auch. Aber kaum jemand will wissen, was hilft. 

  • A Corona catch-up program should help students who have been left behind. There was money from the federal government. A scientific recommendation too. But hardly anyone wants to know what helps.  
  • Full article: Zeit, 11/05/2022 



PNRR, Bianchi: “Grande soddisfazione per approvazione in Commissione Istruzione e Cultura del Senato del disegno di legge sugli ITS” 

“Sono molto soddisfatto per l’approvazione a larghissima maggioranza in Commissione Istruzione e Cultura del Senato del disegno di legge sugli ITS. Si tratta della prima riforma del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza che prende sempre più forma e sta per diventare legge”. 

  • The Ministry of Education Patrizio Bianchi expresses satisfaction with majority approval in the Senate Education and Culture Committee of the ITS bill – the first reform of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan which is about to become law. 
  • Full Press Release: Ministry of Education, 19/05/2022 


Conferenza sul futuro (europeo) della scuola: il ruolo dell’educazione civica 

L’iniziativa si inserisce nell’ambito del progetto Jean Monnet Teacher Training “Multiscale EU”, co-finanziato dall’Unione Europea, e prevede l’intervento e il dibattito sulla base di domande focali introdotte dai coordinatori Francesco Pigozzo e Daniela Martinelli 

  • Conference on the European future of schools, an initiative part of the Jean Monnet Teacher Training “Multiscale EU” project, co-financed by the European Union, provides for the intervention and debate on the basis of focal questions introduced by the coordinators Francesco Pigozzo and Daniela Martinelli. 
  • Full article: La Repubblica, 19/05/2022 


La mappa degli studenti ucraini in Italia: sono 22.788, quasi metà alla primaria. I racconti, tra integrazione e fondi statali che non arrivano 

Dal 21 marzo a oggi, gli studenti ucraini accolti dalle nostre scuole sono più che quadruplicati: tra i banchi, al 9 maggio, c’erano 22.788 bambini e ragazzi fuggiti dalla guerra. Il ministero dell’Istruzione, fin dall’inizio della guerra, ha dato indicazioni agli istituti affinché le porte delle classi fossero aperte ai rifugiati. Da allora ogni giorno sono arrivati in Italia centinaia di minori accolti dagli insegnanti e dai compagni italiani con ogni sforzo possibile. 

  • As of 9 May, there were 22,788 children and young people who fled the war. The Ministry of Education, since the beginning of the war, has given directions to the institutions so that the doors of the classrooms were open to refugees. 
  • Full article: il Fatto Quotidiano, 19/05/2022 


L’iniziativa Nei nidi e nelle scuole dell’infanzia in regione dal prossimo anno si insegnerà l’inglese 

Dal prossimo anno scolastico, in 262 nidi e in 38 scuole dell’infanzia dell’Emilia-Romagna i bambini e le bambine cominceranno a imparare l’inglese: 13.900 quelli coinvolti. La Regione ha deciso di stanziare risorse per triplicare il progetto sperimentale avviato già quest’anno “Sentire l’inglese”, che ha già visto partecipare 75 nidi, 3500 bimbi e 525 operatori. L’obiettivo è avvicinare i più piccoli a un’altra lingua, riconoscendone prima il suono, poi imparando a collegare le parole agli oggetti più comuni, in un contesto di gioco. 

  • From the next school year, in 262 infant-toddler centers and 38 preschools in Emilia-Romagna, boys and girls will begin to learn English: 13,900 will be involved. 
  • Full article: La Repubblica, 18/05/2022 


Scuola, mobilità docenti 2022: pubblicati i trasferimenti. Come e dove vederli 

L’elenco di chi ha ottenuto il trasferimento da oggi si può trovare nell’albo online dell’Ufficio territoriale di destinazione: scuola di destinazione, tipologia di posto richiesto, punteggio complessivo, eventuali precedenze. 

  • The results of the teacher mobility applications have been released on May 17 2022.  
  • Full article: La Repubblica, 17/05/2022 


Alla Fortezza un salto nella scuola del futuro Torna Didacta 

Dal 20 al 22 maggio, alla Fortezza da Basso di Firenze, torna Fiera Didacta Italia, il più importante appuntamento dedicato all’innovazione scolastica. Insegnanti, presidi, educatori di tutta Italia potranno così mettersi alla prova ed esplorare le ultime frontiere del fare scuola attraverso oltre 250 eventi formativi tra convegni, workshop e seminari. 

  • From 20 to 22 May, Fiera Didacta Italia returns to the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, the most important event dedicated to school innovation. 
  • Full article: La Repubblica, 17/05/2022 


Patto educativo, 41 milioni per 217 scuole “La città resiliente non si arrende al male” 

Niente finanziamenti a pioggia, per una volta. Ma una prima quota di 41 milioni di euro destinati a 217 istituzioni scolastiche ritenute più «fragili » – e selezionate in base a vari criteri che misurano dispersione e povertà educative – nell’area metropolitana di Napoli.  

  • Minster Patrizio Bianchi signs a protocol for the distribution of 41 million euros for 217 educational institutions.  
  • Fill article: La Repubblica, 14/05/2022 

United Kingdom


English ‘fundamental’ to pupils’ educational success 

Ofsted has published the latest in a series of reviews into different subjects across the curriculum. Today’s review looks at English.  


Access to Higher Education 

The number of Scottish students from deprived areas progressing to Scottish universities is at an all-time high. The latest statistics show 16.7% of Scottish domiciled full-time first degree students at Scottish universities are from the 20% most deprived areas in the country. 


UK universities union abandons national approach to marking dispute 

UCU climbdown allows individual campuses to decide on strike action; 20 universities plan to go ahead. The long-running industrial dispute over pension cuts and working conditions at UK universities appears to be faltering, after union branches abandoned a national marking strike due to start this week that could delay students from graduating. 


Fear of 12% interest on student loans will put many off university, top Tories warn 

Inflation-linked rise will deter poorer school-leavers from entering higher education in England and Wales, say former ministers. Senior Tories are sounding the alarm over the “outrageous” interest rates to be applied to student loans later this year, after warnings that some graduates will soon be hit with rates of up to 12%. 


Torfaen: Estyn worry over secondary schools’ performance 

Some pupils have spent “their entire secondary education in schools that cause concern”, a watchdog has said. Estyn’s inspection of Torfaen council’s school services found “significant concern” due to a lack of progress in addressing the “weak performance”. 


UK teachers: how is the cost of living crisis affecting students? 

Schools will have to choose between smaller portions or cheaper ingredients unless the government increases funding, the chief executive of food wholesaler Bidfood has said. 


Schools welcome 2,000 Ukrainian refugees in a month 

The number of Ukrainian children enrolled in Irish schools has increased by over 50 per cent in the past month to reach almost 6,000. The Department of Education said that 5,843 Ukrainian students had been enrolled in schools across Ireland by last Friday. Of these, 3,968 are in primary schools and 1,875 in post-primary schools. A month ago, the total was 3,800. 


First-class degrees more than double in a decade 

The proportion of students in England awarded first-class degrees has more than doubled in a decade, the university watchdog says. About 36% of students were awarded the top grade in 2019-20 and 38% in 2020-21, according to analysis by the Office for Students (OfS). 


Funding for lifelong learning shouldn’t lead to deeper debt 

A commentary by Prof. Jonathan Michie on the “disastrous collapse in part-time education in Britain”.  



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