Call for expression of interest of adult education practitioners – Uptake of the Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union
The present call for expression of interest is published jointly by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) and the OECD International Network for Financial Education (OECD-INFE). This call aims at identifying frontrunner adult education practitioners who are using (or plan to use) the financial competence framework for adults in the EU in their financial literacy initiatives.
- See full article: European Commission, 10/03/2022
The European Strategy for Universities: a catalyst for national reforms and investments?
The European Commission’s new higher education package is welcomed by Europe’s universities. It provides them with a positive, supportive narrative that respects their role in driving the transition to a more sustainable world. The Package also proposes initiatives that will facilitate cooperation between universities in Europe and beyond.
- See full article: The Parliament Magazine, 03/03/2022
Jean-Michel Blanquer, ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, et Brigitte Bourguignon, ministre déléguée, chargée de l’Autonomie, ont lancé, ce lundi 14 mars, à l’occasion d’un déplacement à l’école élémentaire Servan, à Paris, un plan d’action national visant à renforcer les solidarités intergénérationnelles dans les établissements scolaires et les lieux de vie des personnes âgées.
- Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports, and Brigitte Bourguignon, Minister Delegate, in charge of Autonomy, launched this Monday, March 14, during a trip to the Servan elementary school in Paris, a national action plan aimed at strengthening intergenerational solidarity in schools and places where the elderly live.
- See full article: Ministry for National Education, Youth and Sport, 14/03/2022
Jean-Michel Blanquer, ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, se rendra à l’école Siméon Cuveillier de Valenciennes lundi 14 mars 2022 afin de lancer l’opération “Un livre pour les vacances”. Il sera accompagné d’Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, historienne et membre de l’Académie française, et de Catherine Meurisse, qui illustre cette année la 5ème édition des Fables de la Fontaine distribuée à tous les écoliers de CM2.
- Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports, and Brigitte Bourguignon, Minister Delegate, in charge of Autonomy, will launch on Monday March 14, during a trip to elementary school Servan, in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, a national action plan aimed at strengthening intergenerational solidarity between schools and places where the elderly live.
- See full article: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, 11/03/2022
Les indicateurs de résultats des lycées relatifs à la session du baccalauréat 2021 seront publiés officiellement mercredi 23 mars 2022 à 9h, sur le site du ministère.
- The high school results indicators for the 2021 baccalaureate session will be officially published on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at 9 a.m., on the ministry’s website.
- See full article: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, 11/03/2022
Depuis janvier 2022, le Pass Culture est élargi aux collégiens et lycéens, pour que chaque jeune puisse vivre la culture à l’école ou en toute autonomie.
- Since January 2022, the Culture Pass has been extended to middle and high school students so that each young person can experience culture at school or independently.
- See full article: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, 11/03/2022
Jean-Michel Blanquer, ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, et Roxana Maracineanu, ministre déléguée chargée des Sports, se rendront ce vendredi 11 mars à Toulouse pour observer le déploiement des opérations et dispositifs qui concernent le sport à l’école.
- Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports, and Roxana Maracineanu, Minister Delegate for Sports, will travel to Toulouse this Friday, March 11 to observe the deployment of operations and measures relating to sport in school.
- See full article: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, 11/03/2022
Mise en place d’une cellule de lutte contre l’islamisme radical et le repli communautaire à compétence nationale
Depuis l’automne 2019, les cellules de lutte contre l’islamisme radical et le repli communautaire (CLIR) se réunissent dans chaque département, sous l’égide des préfets, en vue d’appréhender et de traiter les phénomènes de séparatisme.
- Since the fall of 2019, the cells for the fight against radical Islamism and community withdrawal (CLIR) have been meeting in each department, under the aegis of the prefects, with a view to understanding and dealing with the phenomena of separatism.
- See full article: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, 10/03/2022
« Jeunes nature expériences » : signature de la convention cadre au salon international de l’agricultre
À l’occasion du Salon international de l’agriculture, Julien Denormandie, ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, Bérangère Abba, secrétaire d’État en charge de la biodiversité, et Sarah El Haïry, Secrétaire d’État chargée de la Jeunesse et de l’Engagement, ont signé avec la présidente de l’Agence du service civique et le directeur général de l’Office national des forêts, la convention cadre du programme national de service civique “Jeunes Nature Expériences” destiné aux 16-25 ans (30 ans pour les jeunes en situation de handicap), pour une durée de six à 12 mois.
- Framework agreement for the national civic service program “Young Nature Experiences” was signed.
- See full article: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, 10/03/2022
France 2030 : accélérer la recherche et la formation en France et à l’international
Dans une volonté d’accélérer la recherche et la formation sur les secteurs prioritaires, les « Initiatives d’Excellence » (IdEx) et les « Initiatives Science – Innovation – Territoires – Économie » (I-SITE), crées en 2010, contribuent aux ambitions de France 2030 de transformer durablement des secteurs clefs de notre économie (énergie, automobile, aéronautique ou encore espace) par l’innovation technologique, et positionner la France non pas seulement en acteur, mais bien en leader du monde de demain.
- Several initiatives have been set up that will benefit from around 300 million euros per year to accelerate research and training in France and abroad.
- See full article: Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, 10/03/2022
Conférence ministérielle pour une approche globale de la recherche, de l’innovation et de l’enseignement supérieur
Le 8 mars 2022, une conférence des ministres de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation de l’Union européenne s’est tenue à Marseille, dans le cadre de la présidence française du Conseil de l’Union européenne, avec pour objectif d’assurer une approche concertée autour de la coopération internationale des politiques européennes dans ces domaines.
- On March 8, 2022, a conference of Ministers of Higher Education, Research and Innovation of the European Union was held in Marseille, as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the aim of ensuring a concerted approach around the international cooperation of European policies in these areas.
- See full article: Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, 09/03/2022
Nouveaux Lycées et 12 partenairses rejougnent l’initative p-tech en faveur de l’égalité des chances et de la préparation aux métiers de demain
Le ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, et plusieurs entreprises, organisations et acteurs publics annoncent aujourd’hui la montée en puissance de l’initiative en France, avec le lancement de 5 nouveaux projets P-TECH.
- The Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, and several companies, organizations and public actors announce today the rise of the initiative in France, with the launch of 5 new P-TECH projects
- See full article: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, 09/03/2022
Dans les écoles, les enseignants questionnent la pertinence des évaluations de mi-CP
Malgré les demandes d’annulation formulées par l’ensemble des syndicats, les tests, programmés chaque année en janvier mais reportés pour cause de Covid-19, ont lieu en ce moment.
- Teachers questioned the decision to postpone the Mid-CP assessment, arguing that the results would not be comparable.
- See full article: Le Monde, 09/03/2022, paywall
Tribune : Roger-François Gauthier (Spécialiste de l’éducation comparée)
Faut-il laisser les programmes scolaires aux mains des politiciens?
Peut-on assister en France, comme on le voit aux États-Unis ou en Turquie, a des « prises de pouvoir » sur les programmes scolaires par des « idéologies » ? Le spécialiste du sujet Roger-François Gauthier pose la question, alors que le Conseil supérieur des programmes, dont il a lui-même été membre, change de direction.
- Comparative education specialist and former member of CSP, Roger-François Gauthier, question the new policy direction of the CSP.
- See full article: Le Monde, 08/03/2022, paywall
Partner der Allianz für Aus- und Weiterbildung werben anlässlich der „Woche der Ausbildung 2022“ der Bundesagentur für Arbeit für die berufliche Bildung
Heute startet die „Woche der Ausbildung“ der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA), an der sich neben den Regionaldirektionen, Arbeitsagenturen und Jobcentern auch viele Partner der Allianz für Aus- und Weiterbildung vor Ort beteiligen. Eine duale Ausbildung vermittelt – auch in Pandemie-Zeiten – von Anfang an Praxiserfahrungen und ist der Schlüssel für nachhaltige berufliche Entwicklungschancen.
- Partners of the Alliance for Training and Further Education are promoting vocational training on the occasion of the Federal Employment Agency’s “Training Week 2022”. The Alliance supports companies and young people to bring them together on the labour market. The alliance partners are calling on companies and businesses to secure the urgently needed young talent through their own training.
- Full press release: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 14/03/2022
KMK setzt mit «Lübecker Erklärung» Zeichen im Ukraine-Krieg
Hilfe für ukrainische Schüler, Studenten, Künstler und Wissenschaftler und eine klare Verurteilung der russischen Aggression: Mit einer «Lübecker Erklärung» bezieht die Kultusministerkonferenz deutlich Stellung. Kinder sollen unterrichtet werden, Studenten und Wissenschaftler sollen ihr Studium und ihre Forschung fortsetzen können, wie die Kultusminister, das Bundesbildungsministerium und die Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen in einer am Freitag veröffentlichen «Lübecker Erklärung» beschlossen.
- The KMK published the Lübeck Declaration on Friday, which guarantees help for Ukrainian students and scientists who are fleeing the conflict in Ukraine and are arriving in Germany.
- Full article: Welt, 12/03/2022
Mitteldeutsche Hochschulen wollen Flüchtlinge unterstützen
Für Studierende und Forschende aus der Ukraine haben inzwischen mehrere Mitteldeutsche Hochschulen Unterstützungsangebote eingerichtet. An etlichen Universitäten gingen Webseiten online, auf denen private und institutionelle Hilfsangebote gesammelt wurden, wie eine Abfrage der Deutschen Presse-Agentur ergab. Mancherorts wurden auch Notfonds aufgesetzt oder Möglichkeiten zur Fortführung des Studiums angeboten. Auch Teile ihrer Räumlichkeiten boten manche Universitäten für die Unterbringung von Geflüchteten an. Etliche Hochschulen betonten aber auch, dass noch vieles im Fluss sei und weitere Angebote folgen sollen.
- Universities in Central Germany offer support for Ukrainian refugees. Universities gather donations, as well as offer their premises as accommodation for refugees.
- Full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 12/03/2022
Hochschulpräsident Dievernich leitet künftig Polytechnische Stiftung
Acht Jahre lang stand Frank Dievernich an der Spitze der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Nun will er Wissenstransfer in einem anderen Amt betreiben. Frank Dievernich, Präsident der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, übernimmt eine neue Aufgabe: Zum 30. Juni scheidet er aus dem Hochschuldienst und wird am 1. Oktober Vorstandsvorsitzender der Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt.
- Frank Diervernich will become Chairman of the Board of the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt (Polytechnic Foundation).
- Full article: Frankfurter Allgemeine, 14/03/2022
Bündnis fordert einklagbares Recht auf digitale Bildung
Distanzunterricht ist durch die Pandemie mittlerweile jedem ein Begriff. Bundesschülerkonferenz, Bundeselternrat und der Bitkom wollen, dass die digitale Teilnahme an Unterricht oder Vorlesungen grundsätzlich möglich ist.
- The Federal Student Conference, the Federal Parents’ Council and Bitkom want digital participation in lessons or lectures to be possible in principle.
- Full article: Frankfurter Allgemeine, 10/03/2022
Bildungsministerin möchte geflüchtete Lehrer an Schulen bringen
Inzwischen sind 80.000 Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine in Deutschland eingetroffen, viele von ihnen sind Kinder. Sie werden unterrichtet und auch seelsorgerisch betreut werden müssen. Politik und Verbände suchen nach pragmatischen Lösungen. Bundesbildungsministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger möchte geflüchtete Lehrerinnen und Lehrer aus der Ukraine an Schulen und Kitas in Deutschland arbeiten lassen.
- Minister of Education Bettina Stark-Watzinger wants to bring refugee teachers to school. This was proposed during the KMK Conference in Lübeck.
- Full article: Frankfurter Allgemeine, 10/03/2022
Il Ministro Dadone firma il decreto per la rimodulazione dei progetti del servizio civile in funzione della crisi ucraina.
La pubblicazione del decreto ministeriale e della circolare, sulla base dei principi di flessibilità e semplificazione, permetteranno agli enti di rimodulare le attività progettuali inserendone altre, sempre nello spirito del Servizio civile universale. Lo scopo è quello di rendere più funzionali i progetti, al fine di soccorrere la popolazione civile interessata dal conflitto in Ucraina.
- The publication of the ministerial decree and the circular, on the basis of the principles of flexibility and simplification, will allow entities to reshape project activities by inserting others, always in the spirit of the universal civil service. The aim is to make the projects more functional, in order to help the civilian population affected by the conflict in Ukraine.
- See full article: Minister for Youth Policies, 11/03/2022
Firmato decreto per aggiornamento GAE, domande dal 21 marzo.
Il Ministro dell’Istruzione, Patrizio Bianchi, ha firmato il decreto per l’aggiornamento delle Graduatorie ad esaurimento del personale scolastico ed educativo.
- The Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, has signed the decree for the updating of the rankings upon exhaustion of the school and educational staff.
- See full article: Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Education, 10/03/2022
Progetto “Hugs not Drugs”, Dadone: Informare, dialogare e prevenire la diffusione e l’uso di sostanze stupefacenti tra i nostri giovani.
Parte oggi “Hugs not Drugs”, il progetto nato dall’accordo di Collaborazione “ICARUS” tra il Dipartimento per le Politiche Antidroga della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e la Direzione Centrale per i Servizi Antidroga – DCSA – del Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza del Ministero dell’Interno.
- “Hugs not Drugs”, the project born from the “ICARUS” Collaboration Agreement between the Department for Drug Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Central Directorate for Drug Services – DCSA – of the Department of Public Security of the Ministry starts today of the Interior.
- See full article: Minister for Youth Policies, 09/03/2022
Maturità 2022, l’ordinanza: ecco come sarà l’esame per 490mila studenti
Il ministero recepisce le indicazioni delle Camere e (in parte) degli studenti: nella valutazione più peso all’orale e meno alla seconda prova. In presenza e con due scritti anche l’esame finale di terza media
- The ministry acknowledges the indications of the Chambers and (in part) of the students: in the evaluation, more weight is given to the oral exam and less to the second test. In attendance and with two writings also the final exam of the eighth grade.
- See full article: La Repubblica, 14/03/2022
United Kingdom
Education Secretary promises to harness ‘energy and expertise’ of teachers.
New independent government body to be created, focused on supporting teachers to deliver excellent lessons and building on the success of Oak National Academy.
- See full article: UK Department of Education, 11/03/2022
UK government and global businesses in new £20 million partnership to educate girls in developing countries.
UK launches a new global partnership with the private sector to improve girls’ access to education and employment in developing countries.
- See full article: UK Department of Education, 08/03/2022
Immerse raises $9 Billion in series B funding
VR language learning company Immerse has raised $9 million in Series B funding which it will use to expand its team globally and further invest in virtual education innovation.
- See full article: The Pie News, 11/03/2022
Zahawi to overhaul Covid catchup tutoring after criticism of provider
The national tutoring programme is to be overhauled after criticism of the catchup scheme for schools in England, with the education secretary, Nadhim Zahawi, promising further changes, including shifting funding towards headteachers. Zahawi said he was transferring £65m away from the NTP, including from Randstad, the Dutch service provider, to schools, in an address at the annual conference of the Association of School and College leaders.
- See full article: The Guardian, 11/03/2022