UK opt-out from Erasmus+: MEPs will evaluate impact on EU students
Parliament’s Culture and Education and Petitions committees will hold a public hearing on 15 June to review the impact of the UK government’s opt-out decision on the EU and the UK students. The hearing will be chaired Ms Sabine Verheyen (EPP,DE). Stakeholders representing both the EU and the UK universities will participate, as well as representatives of students and petitioners Sabine Hanger and Natan Chromic.
- Full press release: European Parliament 14/06/2022
Prague city hall arrests cause Czech government turmoil
A scandal at Prague city hall prompted the Czech Republic’s education minister to resign on Sunday and is threatening the stability of the country’s coalition government, which came to power on a promise to root out corruption and restore liberal democracy.
The Czech Republic takes over the rotating presidency of the EU Council next month.
- Full article: Politico 19/06/2022
Préparation de la rentrée scolaire 2022-2023 : communication en conseil des ministres
La rentrée scolaire 2022 interviendra le 16 août à La Réunion, le 24 août à Mayotte et le jeudi 1er septembre dans le reste du pays. Elle concernera 12,2 millions d’élèves de la maternelle aux formations post-baccalauréat dispensées en milieu scolaire, dont près de 20 000 enfants ukrainiens réfugiés en France. La priorité donnée à l’école primaire sera confirmée et se traduira à nouveau par une amélioration du taux d’encadrement des élèves. Traduction concrète : le nombre moyen d’élèves par classe, qui est passé de 23,2 à la rentrée 2017 à 21,8 à la rentrée 2021, diminuera encore à la prochaine rentrée.
- The start of the 2022 school year will take place on August 16 in Reunion, August 24 in Mayotte and Thursday September 1 in the rest of the country. It will concern 12.2 million pupils from kindergarten to post-baccalaureate training provided in schools, including nearly 20,000 Ukrainian refugee children in France.
- Full press release: Ministry for National Education, Youth and Sport, 14/06/2022
Terminhinweis: Kultusministerkonferenz tagt in Berlin – Einladung zur Pressekonferenz am 24. Juni 2022
Am 23. und 24. Juni 2022 tagt die 378. Kultusministerkonferenz in Berlin. Den Vorsitz führt Karin Prien, Präsidentin der Kultusministerkonferenz 2022 und Ministerin für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein. Am Donnerstag findet die Plenarsitzung der Schulseite statt und am Freitag tagt die Hochschulseite.
- On June 23 and 24, 2022, the 378th Conference of Ministers of Education will meet in Berlin.
- Full press release: Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, 17/06/2022
Stark-Watzinger: Wir stärken Erasmus+ noch einmal mit 57 Millionen Euro
Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) hat im Dezember 2021 die Fördersätze für Auslandsaufenthalte von Studierenden im Programm Erasmus+ erhöht. Nun stehen dem BMBF dafür zusätzliche 57 Millionen Euro aus dem Europäischen Sozialfonds zur Verfügung. Die Grundförderung für Studierende aus Deutschland beläuft sich mit der Bewilligung ab dem Wintersemester 2022/2023 je nach Zielland auf 490 bis 600 Euro. Darüber hinaus erhalten Studierende mit Behinderung, bei Auslandsaufenthalten mit Kindern, aus einem nicht-akademischen Elternhaus oder erwerbstätige Studierende unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen einen zusätzlichen Zuschuss von 250 Euro pro Monat.
- In December 2021, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) increased the funding rates for stays abroad for students in the Erasmus+ program. The BMBF now has an additional 57 million euros from the European Social Fund at its disposal.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education and Research, 15/06/2022
“Ein Symbol für ein lebendiges und dynamisches Europa”
Das EU-Programm Erasmus+ ist seit 35 Jahren ein Erfolgsmodell: Seit dem Start am 15. Juni 1987 gingen rund eine Million deutsche Studierende mit Erasmus ins europäische Ausland. Insgesamt haben mehr als zwölf Millionen Europäerinnen und Europäer an Erasmus teilgenommen. An dem Programm nehmen 350 deutsche Hochschulen teil. Das aktuelle Erasmus-Programm (2021-2027) unterstützt mit einem Gesamtbudget von über 28 Milliarden Euro die bildungspolitischen Ziele der EU-Kommission und steigert die Attraktivität Europas als Studien- und Wissenschaftsstandort. Rund 1,4 Milliarden Euro fließen über die NA DAAD in den kommenden Jahren direkt an deutsche Hochschulen. Im Hochschulbereich richtet sich Erasmus+ an alle Studierenden für Studien- und Praktikumsaufenthalte sowie an alle anderen Hochschulangehörigen. Schwerpunkte der neuen Programmgeneration sind die stärkere Förderung von Chancengerechtigkeit, Inklusion und Vielfalt sowie die digitale Transformation und das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Zudem werden die Nutzung nachhaltiger Verkehrsmittel zur Anreise bei Auslandsaufenthalten honoriert und die Fördersätze angehoben.
- With a total budget of over 28 billion euros, the current Erasmus program (2021-2027) supports the educational policy goals of the EU Commission and increases the attractiveness of Europe as a study and science location.
- Full press release: German Academic Exchange Service, 14/06/2022
Rund 25.000 Schüler aus der Ukraine: Neue Brückenklassen
Für die inzwischen rund 25.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der Ukraine an bayerischen Schulen soll es im kommenden Schuljahr passgenaue Unterrichtsangebote geben – je nach Alter und Vorkenntnissen. Das kündigte Kultusminister Michael Piazolo (Freie Wähler) am Montag in München an. Kern sind sogenannte Brückenklassen, die an allen weiterführenden Schularten neu eingerichtet werden sollen, als Weiterentwicklung der bisherigen «Willkommensgruppen».
- For the now around 25,000 pupils from the Ukraine at Bavarian schools, there will be tailor-made teaching offers in the coming school year – depending on age and previous knowledge.
- Full article: Welt, 20/06/2022
GEW-Kritik an Ausbildung für Seiteneinsteiger an Schulen
Die Lehrergewerkschaft GEW hat Kritik am neuen Ausbildungsprogramm für Seiteneinsteiger an den Schulen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern geübt. Die geplanten Maßnahmen reichten nicht aus, um die nötige Qualität herzustellen, erklärten die beiden GEW-Landesvorsitzenden Annett Lindner und Nico Leschinski am Montag. Sie forderten ein berufsbegleitendes Lehramtsstudium für die Seiteneinsteiger. «Die Hochschulen als Verantwortliche für das Lehramtsstudium müssen eingebunden werden, um eine gleichwertige Qualität zur Regelausbildung auch in der Nachqualifikation zu sichern», verlangten Lindner und Leschinski.
- The teachers’ union GEW has criticized the new training program for lateral entrants at schools in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
- Full article: Welt, 20/06/2022
Scuola, il 21 giugno al Ministero il convegno: “Ambiente, Mercato, Comunità: spunti per l’educazione alla ragione”. Interviene il Ministro Bianchi
Transizione energetica e finanziaria, crescita sostenibile, economia circolare, formazione e qualità della vita. Martedì 21 giugno al Palazzo dell’Istruzione si terrà il convegno “Ambiente, Mercato, Comunità: spunti per l’educazione alla ragione”. L’appuntamento è per le ore 16 presso la Sala Aldo Moro. Sarà possibile seguire l’evento in diretta streaming sul canale YouTube del Ministero.
- Energy and financial transition, sustainable growth, circular economy, education and quality of life. The conference “Environment, Market, Community: ideas for education to reason” will be held on Tuesday 21 June at the Palazzo dell’Istruzione.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education 20/06/2022
“La scuola? Per tre ragazzi su dieci è un luogo di insicurezza e disagio. L’Italia è messa peggio: qui anche carenze nelle infrastrutture”
Per gli adolescenti di oggi la scuola non è più un luogo sicuro nel quale abitare, crescere, imparare. Per oltre tre ragazzi su dieci, infatti, l’istituzione scolastica trasmette insicurezza e disagio. Viene inoltre percepito come luogo dove si compiono atti di bullismo e violenza. E non è certo la sparatoria in Texas a provocare tali sentimenti, ma ragioni più radicate. A sottolinearlo una ricerca internazionale appena pubblicata su Frontiers in Psychiatry.
- For today’s teenagers, school is no longer a safe place to live, grow and learn. For over three out of ten children, in fact, the educational institution transmits insecurity and discomfort. It is also perceived as a place where bullying and violence take place.
- Full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano 19/06/2022
Università, presentato il Rapporto Alma Laurea 2022: cala il numero degli iscritti, ma aumenta il tasso di occupazione dei laureati
Rilevato un calo delle immatricolazioni: la crescita registrata a partire dal 2014/2015 si è interrotta. Le iscrizioni all’università segnano ora un -3% rispetto allo scorso anno. In modo particolare, gli immatricolati negli atenei del centro e del sud Italia sono diminuiti molto di più rispetto a quelli del Nord (Nord -1%, Centro -3% e Mezzogiorno -5%). Questo andamento si rispecchia in modo interessante anche nelle aree disciplinari. Rispetto all’anno accademico 2003/04, infatti, l’area Stem mostra un aumento del 14%, mentre quella sanitaria e agro-veterinaria ha registrato un incremento del 2%. L’area artistica, letteraria, quella dell’educazione e soprattutto l’area economica, giuridica e sociale sono invece in calo netto, rispettivamente a -11% e -15%. La diminuzione delle matricole è un “campanello d’allarme”, ha dichiarato la ministra dell’Università e della Ricerca Maria Cristina Messa, “non ce lo aspettavamo, ma è necessario contestualizzarlo: avviene dopo 5 anni di crescita continua”. “Per invertire la tendenza servono borse di studio e campagne informative” ha aggiunto Messa. Le borse di studio, in particolare, potrebbero rivelarsi fondamentali nei casi che più spesso spingono alla rinuncia agli studi, come l’indecisione sul futuro oppure le difficoltà economiche della famiglie.
- University enrolments now mark -3% compared to last year. In particular, enrolments in universities in central and southern Italy decreased much more than in northern Italy. Despite this, it is still convenient to graduate. In fact, for those who have obtained a university degree, the employment rate and salaries are increasing.
- Full article: Il Fatto Quotidiano 16/06/2022
United Kingdom
Gaps in student mental health services to be tackled
Students are set to benefit from better join up of mental health services to prevent them falling through the gaps at university. The new scheme will bring together university, NHS and mental health services to create regional partnerships which could include physical hubs that students can visit in-person. In the past, students may have suffered from delays in accessing mental health services when they have had to move location to study. By joining up these services to better communicate, students can be supported in their mental health, enhancing the quality of their university experience and their likelihood of success in the future.
- Full press release: Ministry of Education 20/06/2022
Thousands of good A-level students won’t get top university offer
More than 10,000 school leavers who are predicted three Bs in their A-levels this summer have not got a firm offer at any university, as competition for places at top institutions places increases. Experts say that in recent years school leavers were entering a “buyer’s market” in university places, with applicants standing a good chance of talking their way into a good university even if they missed a grade. But this year, with elite universities fearful of over-recruiting after being forced to take more students than they wanted during the pandemic, and a demographic surge in the number of 18-year-olds, competition has been fierce.
- Full article: The Guardian 19/06/2022
Teaching and NHS unions warn of strike action unless government improves pay offers
General secretary of teaching union says it ‘cannot avoid ballot’ without significant pay increase. Union bosses have warned about the prospect of strike action among teachers and NHS staff if the government does not boost pay amid soaring inflation. It comes as Britain braces for disruption on the railways as staff stage mass walkouts on National Rail and Tube lines next week.
- Full article: Independent 19/06/2022
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