First Digital Education Stakeholder Forum: One year implementing the Digital Education Action Plan.
On 22 March 2022, the European Commission held the first Digital Education Stakeholder Forum. The Forum celebrated the progress made one year into the implementation of the Digital Education Action Plan, while also reflecting on priorities moving forward.
- See full press release: European Commission, 13/04/2022
Une présidente d’université peut-elle donner une consigne de vote à ses étudiants ?
La présidente de l’université de Nantes a écrit à tous les étudiants et enseignants pour appeler à « faire barrage à l’extrême droite et donc au Rassemblement Nationa l». En avait-elle le droit ?
- Can a university president give voting instructions to his or her students?
- See full article: Le Figaro, 15/04/2022
Comme en 2017, les présidents d’université s’engagent contre Marine Le Pen
France Universités, l’ex-Conférence des présidents d’universités, a appelé dans un communiqué à « voter contre l’extrême droite ».
- As in 2017, university presidents take action against Marine Le Pen.
- See full article: Le Figaro, 15/04/2022
La Sorbonne en grande partie évacuée après la mobilisation étudiante « Ni Macron, ni Le Pen »
Depuis mercredi, les bâtiments de l’université Paris-I-Panthéon-Sorbonne étaient occupés par une grosse centaine d’étudiants révoltés contre les résultats de la présidentielle.
- The Sorbonne largely evacuated after the student mobilization “Ni Macron, ni Le Pen”.
- See full article: Libération, 15/04/2022
Concernant les classements des établissements de l’enseignement supérieur, les mécanismes d’autorégulation semblent insuffisants.
Certains médias ou organismes se montrent peu regardants sur la qualité des données transmises par les établissements qu’ils classent, et se muent parfois en consultants pour les aider à être mieux placés, analysent, dans une tribune au « Monde », les chercheurs Vincent Lehlé et Julien Jacqmin, qui appellent à la création d’une institution de contrôle impartiale.
- Regarding the rankings of higher education institutions, self-regulatory mechanisms seem insufficient.
- See full article: Le Monde, 12/04/2022
« Renforcer les coopérations entre enseignants et chercheurs en éducation ».
Les professeurs des universités Gérard Sensevy et Yves Chevallard et le docteur en sciences de l’éducation Loïs Lefeuvre plaident, dans une tribune au « Monde », pour une rénovation conjointe de la formation des enseignants et de la recherche en éducation pour sortir du « mal-être » de l’école.
- “Strengthen cooperation between teachers and researchers in education”
- See full article: Le Monde, 12/04/2022, paywall
Stark-Watzinger: BMBF gibt Startschuss für die Deutsche Agentur für Transfer und Innovation.
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung veröffentlicht DATI-Eckpunkte und kündigt Stakeholder-Dialoge an. Heute werden die Eckpunkte für die neue Agentur für Forschung und Innovation, kurz „DATI“ genannt, veröffentlicht. Mit der Gründung der DATI wird ein zentrales Anliegen aus dem Koalitionsvertrag umgesetzt. Ziel ist es, insbesondere Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften, kleine und mittlere Universitäten sowie mit diesen verbundene regionale Innovationsnetzwerke zu unterstützen. Gefördert werden dabei technologische und soziale Innovationen jedweder Art in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
- The cornerstones for the new Agency for Research and Innovation, known as “DATI” for short, are being published. With the founding of DATI, a central concern from the coalition agreement is implemented. The aim is to support in particular universities of applied sciences, small and medium-sized universities and their associated regional innovation networks. Technological and social innovations of any kind in business and society are funded.
- See full press release: BMBF, 11/04/2022
Losse-Müller will 500-Millionen-Programm für Schulen.
Schleswig-Holsteins SPD-Spitzenkandidat Thomas Losse-Müller will im Falle eines Wahlsieges am 8. Mai eine halbe Milliarde Euro in die Schulen im Land stecken. “Die Qualität der Schulgebäude darf nicht von der Finanzsituation der Städte und Gemeinden abhängen”, sagte Losse-Müller der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Das sei eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit.
- Schleswig-Holstein’s SPD top candidate Thomas Losse-Müller wants to invest half a billion euros in the state’s schools if he wins the election on May 8th.
- See full article: Süddeutshe Zeitung, 19/04/2022
Ukrainische Schüler stellen Schulen vor Herausforderung – „24.000 Lehrer nötig“
Mehrere Hunderttausend geflüchtete Kinder werden in den deutschen Schulen erwartet. Teilzeitkräfte, Seniorlehrkräfte und Studierende sollen das abfangen. Die Präsidentin der Kultusministerkonferenz, Karin Prien, rechnet damit, dass in Deutschland künftig mehrere Hunderttausend geflüchtete Kinder aus der Ukraine unterrichtet werden müssen. Prognosen seien schwierig, sagte die schleswig-holsteinische Bildungsministerin dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND).
- The President of the Conference of Ministers of Education, Karin Prien, expects that several hundred thousand refugee children from the Ukraine will have to be taught in Germany in the future.
- See full article: Handelsblatt, 15/04/2022
Bisher wenig Flüchtlinge aus Ukraine an Unis
Hunderte junge Menschen aus der Ukraine wollen in Berlin ihr Studium fortsetzen – bislang ist das im Sommersemester praktisch noch eher selten der Fall. Grund dafür sind oft nicht ausreichende Sprachkenntnisse. Die Universitäten bieten Alternativen an.
- Hundreds of young people from the Ukraine want to continue their studies in Berlin – so far this has rarely been the case in the summer semester. The reason for this is often insufficient German language skills. The universities offer alternatives.
- See full article: Welt, 15/04/2022
Lehrerverbände fordern konkrete Hilfen
Deutschland rechnet damit, dass künftig mehrere Hunderttausend geflüchtete Kinder aus der Ukraine unterrichtet werden müssen. Lehrerverbände fordern bessere finanzielle und personelle Ressourcen. Die Lehrerverbände fordern größere Anstrengungen und konkrete Maßnahmen, um die Integration geflüchteter Kinder und Jugendliche aus der Ukraine bewältigen zu können.
- The teachers’ associations are calling for greater efforts and concrete measures to be able to manage the integration of refugee children and young people from Ukraine.
- See full article: Tagesschau, 15/04/2022
Finanzexpertin Paus soll neue Familienministerin werden
Die Grünen-Finanzpolitikerin Lisa Paus soll Anne Spiegel als neue Bundesfamilienministerin folgen. Grünen-Chef Omid Nouripour lobte Paus bei der Bekanntgabe der Personalie am Donnerstag in Berlin als “eine erfahrene, kompetente und durchsetzungsfähige Frau”.
- The Green Party’s finance politician Lisa Paus is to follow Anne Spiegel as the new Federal Minister for Family Affairs.
- See full article: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 14/04/2022
Comparto istruzione e ricerca – settore scuola: dati di adesione definitivi sciopero SAESE dell’8 aprile 2022.
Comparto istruzione e ricerca – settore scuola: dati di adesione definitivi sciopero SAESE dell’8 aprile 2022 per tutto il personale docente ed ata, a tempo indeterminato, atipico e precario.
- Education and research sector – school sector: final membership data for the SAESE strike of 8 April 2022 for all teaching and ata staff, open-ended, atypical and precarious
- See full article: Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, 19/04/2022
Comparto istruzione e ricerca – settore scuola: azioni di sciopero previste per l’intera giornata del 22 e 23 aprile 2022.
Comparto istruzione e ricerca – settore scuola: azioni di sciopero indette per il 22 aprile 2022 da Al Cobas e 22 e 23 aprile 2022 da CSLE.
- Education and research sector – school sector: strike actions called for 22 April 2022 by Al Cobas and 22 and 23 April 2022 by CSLE
- See full article: Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, 12/04/2022
Enti certificatori per le lingue straniere, il Ministro Bianchi firma il decreto che prevede nuovi criteri più selettivi.
Il Ministro dell’Istruzione, Patrizio Bianchi, ha firmato il nuovo decreto riguardante l’elenco degli Enti certificatori per le lingue straniere del personale scolastico. Il decreto nasce dall’esigenza di riformulare il D.M. del 7 marzo 2012 a dieci anni dalla sua pubblicazione, prevedendo criteri più selettivi per l’individuazione degli Enti che certificheranno le competenze linguistico-comunicative del personale scolastico.
- The Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, has signed the new decree concerning the list of certification bodies for the foreign languages of school staff. The decree stems from the need to reformulate the Ministerial Decree of 7 March 2012 ten years after its publication, providing for more selective criteria for identifying the Bodies that will certify the linguistic-communicative skills of school staff.
- See full article: Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, 12/04/2022
Fabiana Dadone interviene al “Forum sul presente e il futuro della cittadinanza e dell’educazione ai diritti umani in Europa”.
Il Ministro per le Politiche Giovanili, Fabiana Dadone, apre i lavori del “Forum sul presente e il futuro della cittadinanza e dell’educazione ai diritti umani in Europa”, che si svolge a Torino, presso ILO.
- The Minister for Youth Policies, Fabiana Dadone, opens the work of the “Forum on the present and the future of citizenship and human rights education in Europe”, which takes place in Turin, at the ILO.
- See full article: Ministro per la Gioventù, 11/04/2022
Commentary by Giampietro Vianello (Freelance Reporter)
Italian class sizes set to shrink as population falls further
As Italy’s demographic crisis continues to worsen, a falling number of students in the country’s schools is expected to mean smaller classes – but also fewer teaching staff and a lower education budget.
- See full article: The Local Europe, 19/04/2022
United Kingdom
Tony Blair calls for drastic increase of young people in higher education.
Former prime minister says the UK should aim to catch up with high-innovation economies such as Japan and Canada. In a report due to be published later this week, the former prime minister will recommend that by 2040 as many as 70% of young people should go into higher education, potentially increasing economic growth by nearly 5% over the next generation.
- See full article: The Guardian, 18/04/2022
When Education Collides with The Metaverse.
With the recent advancements and the world becoming more digital than ever, there’s no doubt that the metaverse would soon impact the education sector. The pandemic has taken a huge toll on schools, colleges, and universities, leading students to adapt to online learning through Teams, Zoom, Google Classroom, etc. But is this the most effective way of learning… Or does the metaverse offer more possibilities to enhance students learning…
- See full article: FE News, 18/04/2022
40,000 jobs at risk as foreign pupils shun UK language schools.
Language schools for foreign students are being “devastated” by a combination of post-Brexit red tape and the impact of the pandemic, threatening the future of a £3.2bn industry, tourism leaders have warned.
- See full article: The Guardian, 16/04/2022
Union warns of ‘imminent’ crisis as most teachers consider quitting.
A teaching union has called on the government to give teachers a significant pay rise, warning that a retention crisis is “imminent” as the cost of living crisis bites.
- See full article: Independent, 15/04/2022
Ireland: new ELT membership group launches.
A new ELT provider membership group has launched in Ireland to bring focus onto English language students, staff and teachers in the country.
- See full article: The Pie News, 14/04/2022
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